Friday, May 4, 2012


So I opened my old gmail account after over 6 months of not checking it and what do I find?? an email, from "the boyfriend that really wasn't". Since the very first moment I knew it couldn't be something good, and I wasn't wrong.

It turned out that he did read what I wrote about him here months ago, and that he felt really ofended and used, obviously, and he was thinking the worst about me, obviously too. I already knew that, it was really fun at first, I must admit, but later on i started feeling a little guilty and I had been embracing the idea of apologyzing. I also thought I could confess it all to our common friend, the japanese, cause I was sure the boyfriend that really wasn't had told him everything. The thing is that this ex boyfriend sent all our common friends on November 2011 the link to my very private and secret blog so everybody could read what i had written about him. So everybody read how much I hated him, and how I used him, and all the nasty things i wished for him.

So I wrote all of them another e mail, telling them all the truth, a short description of our disastrous relationship, why it didn't work, what I did wrong, I didn't mention what he did wrong, cause, I'm not like him, I don't talk shit behind other people's backs, and i also told them all those things I wrote here were nothing but lies, I knew he would be curious to come to my blog and read about my whereabouts and I just gave him something "interesting" to read. Curiosity killed the cat, literally speaking.

None of them answered but the accountant, which I really appreciated. Did they believe me?? I don't know, and I guess I'll never know, but I do feel kinda relieved cause I also took the chance to apologyze to the ex boyfriend for saying all those things, he won't forgive me though, that I'm sure about.

So I was childish but now I did the right thing, and I'm happy about it, I just wished they all told me they believe me and that they won't let all those things that happened between the boyfriend that really wasn't and me, and only to the both of us, affect our friendship. But time will tell...

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