Sunday, May 6, 2012


Doubt is like a demon inside you, feeding from you, destroying you little by little untill you fall apart.

Doubts can destroy friendships, partnerships, marriages. Doubts can make projects fail and shatter dreams. Doubts can break your hope and kill your will.

"Only love can kill the demon" Mickey Knox said, but is there love where there are doubts???

I was so happy with him, thinking he was the love of my life, making plans with him and for him, waiting for the time we could move together, form a family, live as one. But now I see all my dreams falling apart just in front of my eyes.

My dad's cymbals disappeared, aparently from our own house, and the only person who had access to the house was him. Did he do it?? Did he possibly take what wasn't his to sell it or something?? Could he do that to me?? Of course he said it wasn't him, but who would accept that?? Would he?? I've seen him doing some things that are obviously and totally wrong, not to me, but to other people who also trusted him. I know what he is capable of doing, the question is, could I be a victim too?? Would he respect me cause he loves me?? Would he?? Could he?? ............... Did he??

So, after torturing my mind for days, I decided to believe him, to trust him to forget about it and rescue our relationship, it's been exactly a year since everything started, we decided to leave problems behind and celebrate together our love. But just when I  was feeling happy again, my dad calls me and tells me they are consulting some kind of psychic to see who took the cymbals, cause, of course, they also think he could have done it.

I asked him once again, Was it you?? He denies it, but there's something on his face, in his eyes, or is it in my mind??

And what if this lady says it was him... Am I going to believe that?? What if she "reads" faces?? What if the liar is her??

Do whatever you need to do, he said, it wasn't me. Yet, I'm not okay, I'm not calm and cool. There's doubts in my head, and they're killing me...

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