Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The boyfriend that really wasn't strikes again

The moral would be, if someone you don't like says something to you that creates some sort of a trauma, don't let that person know about it, or they'll laugh at you.
And that is exactly what is happening.

Let's make a little history here. The bf that really wasn't used to say he was a metalhead way too much. That, itself, is quite wrong and annoying, if u are something, u don't have to talk about it, people will tell and recognize what u are. But things get worse if you are not what u claim to be, and that is what i told this guy. As he once confessed, that statement really shocked him and troubled him, first, cause he wouldn't accept i was right, later, cause he didn't like reality.
A year later, and after asking me if i had a calendar and hadn't noticed it's been too long since we broke up, he comes up with the same stupid subject once again, but this time even worse, cause he writes in his blog about his story as a metalhead and how proud he is now for not being one anymore, but also talks shit about metalheads with statements full of lies and stupidity.

I got curious and read this post, i knew instantly it was addressed to me, but i know who i am, and i know what i am, and who and what i am not, of course, those things he said had no effect in me but hours and hours of non stop laughter. I would have loved to post a comment and say, "oh please, get over it!" but i didn't do it, i decided to be more mmm... subtle.

I copied the link and showed it to a friend of mine, metalhead to the bone, but also a very inteligent and nice person, with lots and lots of metalhead friends, and just as i expected, she read it, got mad, made comments and shared it with her friends, those friends with others and you can imagine what happened next. His blog was full of insults and comments trying to make him understad he had make a huge mistake by writing those things.

Oh damn, i did have so much fun. But i didn't know things would get even better! for me of course. Cause this guy dared to delete all the comments!! and even worse!! he decided to write one more post, supposedly answering those who have made comments. So i also read the "reply", oh boy, i didnt know he was that stupid!!! i mean, i knew he was, but not that much!! he replied making fun of them (or at least trying) and critizicing them instead of giving good reasons to his previous statements (of course he didn't cause he doesnt have any!!!).
Then some guy wrote him again, i loved that post, it was sooo right!! and guess what... yes!!!! he deleted it too!!! hahahahahahahahahaha oh my god, the only thing he should delete is his stupid post and try to pretend nothing happened, but hey, that would be a wise decision, and well, you know... ;-)
In the end, i had 3 days of fun and laughter and he got 3 days of insults and bad words.
Who's the winner?? ;-)

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