Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dear Ex,

Every now and then, I still check your blog. Why? Because I'm a curious person, because I can, and because I want to. I see you are very happy and I'm glad. I see you are as boring as you were before or even worse, and that kind of amuses me. Ironic huh??? But I also see you keep writing about me, which makes you more of a looser. 

Let me tell you something, I did not do anything wrong to you, even if you keep trying to believe that, only because you think it will minimize the fact that you were flirting and dating another woman before endind your relationship with me. I wasn't the perfect girlfriend, I know, I kept you away and I avoided you as much as I could, but that is the only thing I did, those other things you say are only inventions of your creepy little ugly head. 

Take this advice from me, before you keep longing for karma to come and do its job on me, you should think about how much bad karma you generated by cheating. You should just live your life and let me live mine, be happy and let me be happy, because I am, even if you expect me to be miserable. Who's the bad person now?? Just think about this, if you keep writing about me, you will only make others thing you aren't really over me and that your pride is still very hurt. Is it really worth it?? 

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