Thursday, December 2, 2021


 So, after nine years of no activity, I'm back.

I´ve been interacting with a lot of people trough Facebook, and I've been writing a lot about me and my experiences, and lots of people have told me to write a blog. But I already have one.... So I tought I'd boost it up and use it again, but then I read it..... No, definitely there are some things I can't share with people I know, I'm nor ready to be "that" open and transparent to people.

So, I'm opening a new blog, a funnier one, and leave this one for all those dark, sometimes, very dark thoughts, and feelings, and actions. I'm on meds now though, so I'm feeling much better now, for years, actually.  I just realized I don't really remember how it is to feel like I used to feel. 

Holy meds....