Sunday, October 7, 2012

IQ my enemy

I'm not a genius, but i've scored very high in 3 iq tests i've taken during my life. I'm not telling how high, it's not important.

According to my mom, i started speaking at the age of 10 months and about 3 months later you could have a  complete conversation with me. People would think I was some kind of a midget or something weird. When I was a year and a half I could read and when I was 8 I taught a 4 year old cousin how to read.

Everybody noticed I was able to do uncommon things, and my parents found a school for high iq children, but they decided it was better for me to stay with my family and be raised as a normal child.

Was it the right decision?? I don't think so. For years I grew up as any other child, being first at school, having friends, being happy, but by the age of 13 I started noticing people would not see what was obvious for me, and over the years it got worse and worse. It is so frustrating to to be able to clearly understand or see something but not being able to share it or even worse, not being able to make yourself understood and having others staring at you with question mark faces, as if you were using a different language.

I can imagine that, with the proper education, a gifted person can use all their abilities for special purposes and be and feel useful, but if you were raised as average not being average, you just end up feeling lost, misunderstood, and frustrated.

There's this Dr. House episode about this high IQ man who poisoned himself for years with some medicine just because it would slow his mind down and make him act and think as a normal person. It was then when he could fall in love, get married, get an average job and have a happily normal life. Until he almost died, of course.  Well, years before I saw this episode, I tried to do the same. Somehow I came with the idea that my brain was more of an obstacle for achieving happiness and being able to truly connect with people, and I decided to kill my brain cells. So I used all kind of substances but I think it only worked for doing stupid things and taking bad decisions and making my life even more difficult, cause IQ stayed the same.

I wish it had worked..... I would be able to talk to people without finding all of the tremendous logic mistakes they all make and thus, I would enjoy chatting, I wouldn't feel like killing my boyfriend when he tries to argue with me, I would not be a nightmare for my parents. I woulnd't feel like an alien in this world, wasting a lot of talent, doing nothing. I wouldn't feel just lost in life.

I feel sorry for those with higher IQ's and improper education....